Brussels Design September - Intro slide 1
Brussels Design September - Intro slide 2
Brussels Design September - Intro slide 3
Brussels Design September - Intro slide 4

From - To

7.09 17.09


Rue de Ligne, 8 - 1000 Brussels

Studio Vera Nooijen


The essence of Re-value is the revaluation of residual materials in the production of natural stone. Each piece of stone has its own unique shapes, colours and patterns. This is because natural stone originates from the earth’s crust that varies around the world. The contrast in value between pieces of natural stone can be large, which is reflected in the esthetical, cultural and financial value. A big slab of stone has a great financial value, whereas the residual material is seen as worthless, even though it has gone through the same production process. Re-value aims to give back the lost value to the leftover stone. Some cultural and esthetical value can be reclaimed by creating a contemporary and functional design.

Bio: "Vera Nooijen (1998) is a designer who’s always exploring (new) materials and techniques. You can describe her work as experimental, minimalistic and simple but effective.

During her graduation project named ‘Re-value’ she focused on the waste material from the marble industry. She experimented with the waste material and came up with three functional products; Table Layers, Table Mountain and the Wall Shelves. With her Re-value project she graduated from Willem de Kooning Academy in 2022."

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