Brussels Design September - Intro slide 1
Brussels Design September - Intro slide 2
Brussels Design September - Intro slide 3
Brussels Design September - Intro slide 4

From - To

5.09 30.09


Harmon House



The chicken and/or the egg

With a touch of humor, Limburg-based designer Peter Donders (b. 1965) and Brussels-based artist Sydney Fruy (b. 1994) were inspired by the rhetorical question: which came first, the chicken or the egg? Through the object they created together, they raise questions about cause and effect, trial and error or construction and demolition. They deconstruct inbred forms, which they then analyze and construct through their own formal language into a renewed, improved object. Thus, they attempt to transcend established creation processes. While the youngest wields the tricks of age-old metalwork for artistic expression, the oldest nurtures a penchant for innovative 3D printing. Or how craft and technology can enrich each other. With their creation, the duo points not only to the continuous evolution, and the constant reinvention, of the arts, but also to the sharing and passing of knowledge between generations, as they themselves represent. They depict the bumpy path - especially in these turbulent times - of life, and the never-ending cycle that each of us is ultimately part of.

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