Brussels Design September - Intro slide 1
Brussels Design September - Intro slide 2
Brussels Design September - Intro slide 3
Brussels Design September - Intro slide 4

From - To

13.09 30.09


Rue Saint-Christophe 7 , 1000 Bruxelles

Building bridges: Erratum Fashion concept store x Haute Ecole Francisco Ferrer


For Brussels Design September, Erratum Fashion concept store invites students from the Haute Ecole Francisco Ferrer to exhibit their textile work inspired by Africa: textures, colors, patterns and traditions. Inspired by Africa and made in Belgium, the Erratum brand is part of the trend of brands that claim their mixed Belgian identity.Outfit made with african patterns for non conformist women and men with a social sense.

Designer : Leslie Nonvignon, Hottois Noémi & Iris Deltheil-Tourrenc.

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